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Kamis, 14 Juli 2016

kerajinan bambu tatar sunda terbaru 2016 bulan juli

Developments can not be separated from a change in particular crafting country of Indonesia, changes and developments is the journey that flows moving towards the point ditujumelalui hand skills, plain containing the elements of art, Growth wooden handicrafts in Indonesia especially the Village Singakerta departing from the forms of traditional arts which is the cultural richness as its foundation. In a book entitled Damar Kurungmembahas Decorative Art about art tradition. Art Tradition described a cultural richness that is used as the basis for the growth of regional art that flourished since ancient times into the local forces, Explanation of the book is very important in this study because it is associated with a discussion about the forms of artistic traditions associated with the foundation of art crafts developing Singakerta,as stated by Gustami in his book Art Craft Furniture Jepara describes forms of sculpture that is used in furniture taken from the form of tradition or the tradition of decorative art (Gustami, 2000, 273)..
Woodcraft means the manufacture of goods wood produced by skilled human hands. Related to this research is the manufacture of goods of wood materials in the form of reliefs and sculptures with motifs of animal form four legs and marine animals produced through the skill of human hands.
In addition to the above understanding also need theory as an approach to the problem so that the desired goals can be achieved. The use of several theories is always something to do with specific targets, nice wood is teak
Wooden handicrafts typical craft Kalimantan Indonesia as a very unique and creative. There is such a statue, woven bags, and browse for the sake lain.Telisik craft according to local residents, wooden crafts and handicrafts is secondary. It means making a part-time job and requires a long time. Automatically selling price was also expensive.
Material wooden crafts and crafts items taken from local crafts Kalimantan Indonesia especially come from indigenous forests, The withdrawal is not en masse, but according custom requirements. And it is the primary influencing factor was the conservation of indigenous forests in Kalimantan.
Another case of wooden craft in ngawi
Coinciding holiday season in another country, the traditional wooden craft centers participated sprayed fortune. Wood craft centers so jujugan foreign tourists crossing ngawi. As in the wooden craft sales centers in the region kedunggalar located around the monument Soeryo and Banjarejo often receive guests from abroad who are interested in going to this craft.
Displays a unique shape and cute miniature animals or crafts is the best-selling purchased these tourists. On average craftsmen and artisans craft items set different prices for travelers from all over this. "Difference in price between 20 to 25 percent.
Tourist interest in the handicrafts teak from Indonesia in particular areas and Jepara ngawi make traders excited. Especially before the Eid traders can earn additional revenue.

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