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Kamis, 14 Juli 2016

pembuatan anyaman tatar sunda terbaru 2016 bulan juli

    Bamboo is already at the cutting we cut perbuku using regaji so neat outcome, and try not to book us take the meat alone.
    After the cut we bersihka hinis / skin that can injure our skin
    Try pengerikan of skin was evenly and neatly
    Having settled our new perngerikan starts splitting and slicing, we adjust it to the size of the circle bamboo
    After slicing and then we could dry in the sun, or we can be a way in algae above the pivot
    After roughly flat dry we SEBIT using expression knife / sharp knife as long as the other, and in a thin knife but try hard. From where we are in demand must be careful because many have failed and the bamboo veins usually difficult in SEBIT if we have not regular
    We SEBIT with the sheer size of that fan lenrut and easy to anyamnya
    Then we'll see if they need drying or not, do we try to look on / wipe feathers pores meat bamboo, if looks are dry then we go on just the look, but if fur is still mengembag and difficulty in bersihkannya it means they need drying.
    Perautan. In perautan / perapihan sekil past we need to be careful because just like slicing must have been many Yag wasted because besides bamboo is dry and thin then definitely we often truncation,
    In the process of perauta we use our hands or thighs.
    Use cloth in their hands and thighs to avoid being hit wedge / terusuk by pores bamboo.
    Plaiting materials we bind in order not to fall apart
    Once done we headed to the woven equipment.
How to weave
Do not rigid
Do not get bored / despair
Should we weave on a flat floor
Bring plaiting materials that we have a neat tie
Keep it ties our side to facilitate retrieval of materials
Use the cushion is not too high with the floor
Complete with music classic style / radio that accompanies us in weaving to avoid drowsiness / bored.
This differs from the fan weaving wicker booths, tolombong, handsome, or others. Karna way behind that both sides look neat and there is no end of the basket.
The first time we prepared two expands to weave strands of bamboo slivers that one part of the meat, nyang one hinisnya or better duanduanya wear visible results hinis so neat
For the central axis we need long
The other axis in zig-zag later resized to fit us feedback sufficient to size in anyamkan
We make an angle with menyilangka and folded in parallel with the part that we have made to the central axis by adding a woven material.
How to weave is not separated by a count of one-three-one to the next, and the next to do wrong to the basket number two.
Do that with repeated until the result becomes a triangle, and up to approximately we are fit for the reversal of the webbing.
Please note we are willing to turn their fitting woven mistake and do not forget the end we finish with kitungan plaiting one, so neat outcome, unlike we put the three, the result will look untidy.
Then it's time we reversed our woven by folding the end of the last that we anyamkan, and menganyanya back to the middle to the end
Do next in the same way, until eventually be finished and ready for subsequent processing.

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