Kerajinan dan Kesenian diibaratkan sebagai sisi mata koin yang tidak dapat dipisahkan. Kedua hal tersebut sangat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat tatar sunda sebagai daya dongkrak untuk meningkatkan taraf kehidupan nya. Dari produk kerajinan dan kesenian masyarakat bisa menghasilkan sesuatu yang bersifat komersil.

Kamis, 14 Juli 2016

pembahasan seputar kerajinan bambu terbaru 2016

Bamboo is a grass countryman plant that grows in Indonesia. Bamboo can be classified by botanists in the family Graminese (grass). These plants can be grown in hot climates and cold. Bamboo grows in clustered form clumps. Young shoots out of the rhizomes and forms a clump with lots of bamboo reeds.Bamboo is a single leaf plants, arranged alternately on the end of reeds or twigs. Bamboo plant roots are very strong, because the rhizome branches and has strong ties that are difficult to separate. Bamboo plants are planted in sloping areas or alongside the river and also functions to prevent erosion or landslides (Haryato, 1996).
Rare bamboo flowering plants, but nobody mentioned that bamboo flowering only every 35 years. The breeding of bamboo is generally done with a piece of reed plants containing branch buds. Although bamboo is easy to grow and it's cheap, but very useful in human life. Bamboo shoots cooked bias people to vegetables. Old bamboo used for various purposes (Haryato, 1996). Production is a physical activity such as changing the form , nature or appearance of a material to provide added value ( Baroto , 2003) . Production can also be interpreted as the means, methods , and techniques to create or add to the usability of a product by optimizing production resources ( labor, machinery , raw materials) No ( Nasution , 2003) . Market research or marketing research is a function that connects consumers , customers and the community with the marketer through information which is used to identify opportunities and masakah marketing , produce , refine , and evaluate marketing activities , monitor marketing performance , and improve understanding on marketing as a process. The information can be obtained on market research is ( Churchill , 2001) :
1. Creating ideas for marketing activities , including the identification of issues and marketing opportunities
2. Evaluate marketing activities
3. Compare performance vs marketing
4. Improve the general understanding of the phenomena and processes of marketing

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