Kerajinan dan Kesenian diibaratkan sebagai sisi mata koin yang tidak dapat dipisahkan. Kedua hal tersebut sangat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat tatar sunda sebagai daya dongkrak untuk meningkatkan taraf kehidupan nya. Dari produk kerajinan dan kesenian masyarakat bisa menghasilkan sesuatu yang bersifat komersil.

Senin, 11 Juli 2016

kesenian genggong sumedang pangaroan desa cipanas sumedang puser budaya sunda 2016

Art Genggong contained in Sumedang taken from a name Swamp Genggong (Ranca Genggong) which, when in treading will sway.

This type of art deifying a tin can when in the shake will emit noises adjusted to the rhythm created by the players.

In the marshes Genggong lot of wildlife such as frogs, bancet and so forth. The art consists of several tools that sound similar to the sound of frogs and bancet.

Genggong name taken from the name of animals is Jangkrik Genggong perceived by those crickets most superior of the Crickets, and it also has a melodious voice.

With all the courage of citizens Youth Tupas in creating this art could have come into the a new creation of the Genggong.

This art is as popular entertainment that can be pentaskan in welcoming historic day, for example Anniversary of independence and Helaran ceremony, Halal Bihalal. and so forth.

While the scientific equipment in use along with the players consist of:

- 1 (one) Bamboo flute,

- 2 (two) Tubes Bamboo bush,

- 1 (one) set of drum and kulanter,

- 2 (two) Kohkol regulator of tone,

- 5 (five) pieces zither,

- 4 (four) keprak,

- 2 (two) Kesrek,

- 4 (four) kokor of Bamboo,

- 1 (one) set of Angklung Beans,

- 1 (one) set Dogdog, a set Genjring (Tambourine),

- 1 (one) Gambang,

- 6 (six) sets Shell Shell,

- 6 (six) Sapulidi,

- 4 (four) Inside Spokesperson

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