Kerajinan dan Kesenian diibaratkan sebagai sisi mata koin yang tidak dapat dipisahkan. Kedua hal tersebut sangat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat tatar sunda sebagai daya dongkrak untuk meningkatkan taraf kehidupan nya. Dari produk kerajinan dan kesenian masyarakat bisa menghasilkan sesuatu yang bersifat komersil.

Senin, 18 Juli 2016

kesenian wayang golek tatar sunda bandung 2016

WAYANG GOLEK  is the traditional arts of West Java, which is a play doll made of wood and is played by a director and concurrent voice called Puppeteer. A puppeteer has expertise in imitating various human voice.
  As with Jaipong, Wayang Golek complete musik Degung dengan Sinden accompanied her. Wayang Golek usually performed at entertainment events, weddings or other events. Pementasan nya time was unique, namely at night (usually up all night) started at 20:00 to 21:00 till 04.00 am.
               Wayang Golek
               The story that brought revolves around the struggle between good and evil (good guys against the bad guys). The story is more or less inspired by the Hindu culture of India, seperti Ramayana or Baratayudha War.
               The characters in the story took on the names of Indian land. In Wayang Golek, no 'character' highly anticipated the play: the group named Purnakawan, like Dawala danCepot. These characters are popular because they are the leaders who always played the role of a funny (like the comedian) and often provoke laughter of the audience. A clever manipulator will play the character with a very interesting variation.
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