Kerajinan dan Kesenian diibaratkan sebagai sisi mata koin yang tidak dapat dipisahkan. Kedua hal tersebut sangat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat tatar sunda sebagai daya dongkrak untuk meningkatkan taraf kehidupan nya. Dari produk kerajinan dan kesenian masyarakat bisa menghasilkan sesuatu yang bersifat komersil.

Kamis, 14 Juli 2016

pembahasan seputar kerajinan bambu terbaru juli 2016

Bamboo is a wealth of non-wood forest which is part of the wealth of forest resources Indonesia . Bamboo can be an alternative in the reduction of logging in the forest is increasingly limited existence. In the villages , the use of bamboo is often seen in
household equipment. But now growing into the industry , so as to
people in rural areas are categorized as the main support the economy of rural communities .
Bamboo has the ease , among others planting is done once because bamboo will multiply by itself and easily grown in suitable habitat and elanjutnyan harvested as needed . Bamboo growth can not be separated from environmental factors that affect the optimal growth of the bamboo plant itself. Enhancement t he use of some types of bamboo plants cause uncontrolled exploitative people being offset by cultivation measures . That is because information and knowledge about the types of bamboo cultivation is still lacking , as well as an introduction to the types of bamboo in Indonesia and oemanfaatannya .
Therefore , the development of bamboo plants , especially on the types commonly been used or not known by the public but has many benefits 

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